martes, 24 de enero de 2012

1000 cranes for peace


Actually, teenagers have poblems with their parents and they argue a lot with them  for different reasons like clothes ,the mark of an exam, time to come back home ... I´m going to talk about the time that parents allow  their children to come back home in the weekend .Almost all teenagers argue with their parents about the time to go back home. Teenagers get angry because they aren't allowed to come back home late. They think the time to come back is very early. They only want keep having fun with their friends, so they come home much later that they are allowed to and they get punish, but they probably don't think that their parents want protect them. For this reasons the tips are: get home on time and give them confidence that if they tell you an hour you will obey. If you do that, they will probably let you get home later.  If you get later and you're punished, don't get angry with them .

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